Thursday, December 20, 2012
HS Final Exams
High School Finals for Friday dec. 21st will be periods 3,5, and 8. Period 3 final will begin at 9:30. January 7th will be a review day and finals for periods 1 and 7 will be on January 8th.
Monday, December 17, 2012
The district would like to express our sympathy for the victims and their families and empathy for the citizens and our school counterparts in Newtown, Connecticut.
The Dakota School District stresses the safety and welfare of our students and it is the top priority in our school district, and—while there is no plan that can totally prevent a random act of senseless violence like this—our district has a school safety plan in place that has been reviewed by faculty, administration and local law enforcement authorities and is practiced by faculty and staff. There are always lessons learned from each incident and as those emerge, the district will review and implement those lessons learned as appropriate. If our students have questions or are having problems in light of this tragic event, the district Social Worker will be available.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Dakota Speedway
Mr. Visel's Junior High Elective class created their own Matchbox Speedsters. The students needed to draw, draft, and make their own drag racers. The students then held the annual Dakota Drag Race in the hallway. Great lesson and thanks for using the creativity of the students.
Dakota High School Art Club is participating in the Holiday Window Painting Contest at Bocker Auto Group in Freeport on South St . Please support them by stopping in at Bocker and voting for their window “Don’t Stop Believing”. It has been a wonderful fundraising opportunity for Art Club for four years now and the students really enjoy painting the large showroom windows. Art Club members did a great job this year creating an Andy Warhol Pop Art inspired window of the main characters from the movie Miracle on 34th St .
Voting is open until December 22nd.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Holiday Concerts
On Monday, Dec. 10 the Kindergarten, First and Second Graders put on a wonderful performance to start off the holiday season. The title of the concert was The Mice Before Christmas.
On Tuesday, Dec. 11 the Fifth and Sixth grade students added to the holiday season by preforming an instrumental and vocal concert. The students have been working very hard for the performance.
Both of the performances were directed by Jennifer Fox and Annette Hackbarth.
On Tuesday, Dec. 11 the Fifth and Sixth grade students added to the holiday season by preforming an instrumental and vocal concert. The students have been working very hard for the performance.
Both of the performances were directed by Jennifer Fox and Annette Hackbarth.
100 Dakota Elementary students brought their families to the Family Reading Night on November 29th. The theme was “Owls, Books, and Bears. Oh my!” Families followed the yellow brick road to the gym, where Wizard of Oz characters invited all to Follow the Yellow Brick Road with them to the land of great books. Mrs. Samuelson and Mrs. Curry did a fun skit to the book, Crazy Hair by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean. Then families went off on their forest adventure to the Bear Den where, greeted by Bicksler Bear, they read bear books together; to the Owlery, where Mrs. Russell and friends helped them make owl bookmarks; to the Bat Cave where they saw Stellaluna on the smartboard; to Storybook Forest where students did a book walk and everyone got a new book (thanks to PTO). The Wizard of Oz characters (high school choir students) led everyone back to the gym where a munchkin (Hannah Harshbarger) representing the Fairy Tale Bunch and the Nursery Rhyme League welcomed them to Readingland. The tin man (Colin Ebbers), the scarecrow (Bailey Hoffman),and the lion (Jameel Buss) sang ‘If I Only Had a Book”. Dorothy (Maddie Aalund) shared “Somewhere In the Library…”, and then they all sent everyone off on the yellow brick road once more to the wonderful world of great books. Everyone left with a treat bag and a family picture. The event was planned and presented by the Dakota Elementary Reading Team and funded by the Dakota PTO.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Final DAB Drawing
The Athletic Boosters would like to thank all of those that participated in the raffle. Your help and donation will go towards the athletics of the Dakota School District. We are fortunate to have a great community that continues to support all facets of the School District.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Elementary Family Reading Night
Please join the Elementary staff for Family Reading Night. There are a lot of fun activities for you and your child to do together.
Where: Elementary School
Date: November 29th
When: 6:00-7:30pm
Where: Elementary School
Date: November 29th
When: 6:00-7:30pm
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
DAB Raffle winners
Raffle winners
Monday Nov. 26th
Darlene Miller- $50
Tuesday Nov. 27th
Sue Gallagher- $50
Monday Nov. 26th
Darlene Miller- $50
Tuesday Nov. 27th
Sue Gallagher- $50
Monday, November 26, 2012
Dakota Athletic Boosters needs your help
To Whom It May Concern:
This is being written on behalf of the Dakota Athletic Boosters, an organization that promotes all athletic teams in the Dakota School District . It is estimated that 50% of our students participate in athletics. The Boosters feel that participating in any type of athletic venue should be supported by a safe, sanctioned place to exercise, socialize and develop skills that will be useful throughout their lives. Our organization is dedicated to the process of making that happen, but we need your help.
Your donation will bring us closer of our goal of $100,000 to complete our outdoor sports facilities. The improvements began in 2007 when new softball and baseball diamonds were excavated. A new football field was then completed in 2009. Since then, efforts have been made to raise funds for our all-weather track. This fall we were able to blacktop an eight lane track, but we need to add the field event areas, apply the rubberized surface, add lights to the baseball diamond, and various other items. The community at large benefits from the use of these facilities by promoting healthy lifestyles. We are happy to acknowledge your tax deductible donation on our website and at our numerous events, unless you prefer otherwise.
The Boosters would like to thank you for considering a donation to raise funds for these improvements. Please attend the meeting on Monday, December 3 in the Dakota High School library at 7 PM. Information will be presented and viewed to answer questions about our progress and future plans. If you are unable to attend, a PowerPoint presentation can be sent to you by emailing or
Tax deductible donations can be made out to the Dakota Athletic Boosters and mailed to the address above. No contribution is too small; any and all are appreciated. We hope you can attend and see for yourself how the improvements have made a difference in our students’ lives as well as for future generations. We are proud of our accomplishments and hope you will be too. In the meantime feel free to call Dave Goeke or me at the numbers below.
Dave Goeke 815-990-3390
Julie Ryan 815-291-6208
Julie Ryan, Secretary
Dakota Athletic Boosters
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
DAB Winner
Mr. Schiffman will be out of the office on Nov. 16th so he picked the winner today
Nov. 15- Anita Korn- $50
Nov. 16- Curt Olsen- $100
Nov. 15- Anita Korn- $50
Nov. 16- Curt Olsen- $100
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Thank you Dakota School Board
Thank you to the Dakota School District Board members,
As citizen leaders, individual school board members face complex and demanding challenges. They are alternately described as having the most important volunteer jobs in the country. Yet, our school board members are ordinary citizens with extraordinary dedication to the Dakota School District. Public education is the backbone of American society. Today, local school boards continue to do the most important work of the communities- that of educating our youth. During these trying fiscal times, the DCUSD Board of Education develops policies and makes tough decisions on complex education and social issues that affect the entire community and the lives of individual students. They continue to put in long hours at school board meetings, attend extracurricular events, attend seminars and are involved in other community activities to help represent the community they live in.
The DCUSD administration, faculty and staff would like to thank the Dakota School Board for your dedication, hard work, and commitment to the education of our students. We applaud you for your vision and voice to help shape a better tomorrow for our students. “Thank you for caring about our students and in preparing them to make positive contributions in an ever-changing world”.
The Dakota School Board Members are: Jim Moyer, Mike DiGvonni, Frank Nelson, Amy Meier, Karen Kleckner, Colette Binger, Sue Wells
Thank you,
DCUSD Administration, Faculty and Staff
Petitions for Dakota School Board
Nominating petition forms for the April 9, 2013 school board election in Dakota CUSD #201 are now available. Forms may be picked up in the office of the board secretary at 400 Campus Dr. on any business day between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
A school board candidate’s petition must be filed in the same office no earlier than 7:30 a.m. on Monday, December 17 and no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday December 24.
Candidates’ names will appear on the election ballot in the order in which their nominating papers are received in the secretary’s office.
Four seats on the seven-member board of education will be filled at the April 9 election. Candidates elected will serve four-year terms expiring in April 2017.
To be eligible to serve, a school board member must be, on the date of election, a citizen of the United States , at least 18 years old, a registered voter, and a resident of the State of Illinois and the school district for at least one year immediately proceeding the election.
Elections are nonpartisan and board candidates do not indicate a political party affiliation. Candidates should be aware of financial conflict-of-interest limitations set forth in state law.
- Nominating petitions signed by at least 50 voters residing within the district. Petitions must be securely bound together with pages numbered consecutively, and each page must carry the notarized signature of the petition circulator.
- Statement of candidacy, which includes a request that the candidate’s name be placed on the official ballot, the address of the candidate, the office sought, and a statement that the candidate is qualified for the office and has filed (or will file before the close of the petition filing period) a statement of economic interests as required by the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act.
- A receipt from the county clerk showing that the candidate has filed the statement of economic interests as noted above.
- A loyalty oath, which is optional. A candidate may choose to file it or not.
Other important dates for candidates are:
- Wednesday, January 2, 2013: last day for filing objections to a candidate’s nominating papers in the office of the board secretary.
- Wednesday, January 2, 2013: last day for a candidate to withdraw from nomination.
Further information on becoming a candidate in the April 9 board election may be obtained by contacting Sue Gallagher, Dakota Schools 400 Campus Dr. Dakota, IL 815-449-2832.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Family Reading Night
Attention parents, guardians, and guests of Dakota Elemetnary School's Family Reading Night. Due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict, the Family Reading Night, Owls, Books and Bears, OH MY scheduled for November 15th has been cancelled. It will be rescheduled at a later date. Please look for the date in the near future and plan on joining us for Owls, Books, Bears, Oh My family reading night. Thank you and have a great evening.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Veteran's ceremony
The Jr./Sr. High Held a Veteran's breakfast and ceremony on Monday. The morning started with a wonderful breakfast prepared by faculty and staff, which was served by the National Honor Society. To begin, the ceremony the Choir performed Mansions of the Lord, Star Spangled Banner, and the National Anthem. Bailey Hoffman read about the five emblems of the Armed Forces. The Dakota Band then performed a medley of each services anthem. For their final number the band played a piece called Within these Hallowed Walls. This piece was an arrangement of two beloved hymns (Amazing Grace and The Battle Hymn of the Republic). The narration was done by Sam Sherman. The ceremony ended by Tyler Pieper performing Taps.
Thank you to all of our veteran's for serving our country. We are Proud of You.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
VB welcome home celebration.
Let's welcome the girls home in style tonight at the HS. The celebration starts at 8
2nd place at State
Congratulations at State. The girls placed second in a fantastic finals championship. We are proud of you.

Friday, November 9, 2012
Pep rally
There will be a pep rally for the girls tonight at Eastland suits, in the courtyard, at 6 pm. Go Indians
Round One Win
Congratulations on the first round victory at the state tournament. They will play for state at approx. 1:55 tomorrow. Go Indians.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
DAB Raffle winners
The first three winners of the DAB Raffle are:
Nov. 1st Alonza Patton
Nov. 5th- Claude Jacquette
Nov. 6th-Laurie Norton
Nov. 1st Alonza Patton
Nov. 5th- Claude Jacquette
Nov. 6th-Laurie Norton
Elementary art projects
Attached are pictures of the Indian heads created by the elementary students. The top was made out of beans, nuts, and leaves by the third graders. The bottom left was made out of recycled paper by the 1st graders. The bottom right was made out of old crayon shavings by the second graders. These were made during the craft art time with Mrs. Russel. The kids create most of their projects out of recycled items. Please feel free to stop in and see their hard work.

Sunday, November 4, 2012
State Volleyball Information
The Lady Indians will Play Friday, Nov. 9th at approx. 12:00pm in Redbird Arena
Tickets go on sale Monday, Nov. 5th starting at 8:00am in HS office
There will be a Jr./Sr. High fan bus going to the game on Friday, tickets for the bus will be $8.00.
There will be a community pep rally on Thursday at 8:20am at the HS.
The Lady Indians will Play Friday, Nov. 9th at approx. 12:00pm in Redbird Arena
Tickets go on sale Monday, Nov. 5th starting at 8:00am in HS office
There will be a Jr./Sr. High fan bus going to the game on Friday, tickets for the bus will be $8.00.
There will be a community pep rally on Thursday at 8:20am at the HS.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Congratulations Lady Indian Volleyball. The Lady Indians have made it to state two years in a row. The Indians will play Friday Nov. 9th, in Redbird Arena, Normal, Il. The match will start at approximately 12:00PM. Ticket information will be coming soon.
Go Indians ! We are proud of your accomplishment.
Go Indians ! We are proud of your accomplishment.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Sectional Champs!
Congratulations Lady Indians! The Lady Indians now play in Pecatonica, at 6:00, for state. Go Indians!

Rock RiverValley School Ranking
Attached is a link to the Rock River Valley School Rankings. The district is proud of the hard work the teachers and students. After going to the link you can download the pdf file.
Congrats to the Lady Indians. The volleyball team will be playing Nov. 1st at 7:00pm for the sectional championship. GO INDIANS
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