Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Due to weather the Dakota School District will dismiss today Jan. 30 at 11:00am. Students will not attend afternoon CT. Morning PASS will be dimissed with other students. and will ride home at 11:00. There will be no afternoon PASS. Daycare will remain open until 5:30. All afternoon activities are cancelled.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Grandparent's Day with First Grade

On Friday, January 18th 2013 the First Grade celebrated Grandparent's Day. The students sang songs, read poetry, read books, shared a memory box, and most importantly had treats. Thank you to all of the Grandparent's or special friends that were able to attend.


The Drafting Class did their annual BIG DROP on Jan. 25th.
Drafting 1, 2, 3 Mr. Visel

The United States Army has been covertly supporting a group of freedom fighters in a small South America country by supplying them with ...arms and medical supplies. These supplies were usually delivered to the freedom fighters via top-secret airdrops. These airdrops usually take place at night during a high speed and low altitude operation, known as Operation Big Dump. The army recently discovered a problem with their method of delivery. Upon impact, a large number of the supplies were breaking due to the high speed of impact at which the supplies impacted the ground. They also discovered a problem with the supplies landing upside down. The army needs to develop a working model that illustrates directional control and an impact absorption system for the delivery. The Army needs these problems fixed as soon as possible, before the freedom fighters run out of supplies. Knowing that you are the top design team within the department, the Army has come to you for a solution.

- At the conclusion of this activity, your team will demonstrate the understanding of a design process by submitting your
4 sketches, a detailed drawing, a written description, an evaluation page, working model, and Grade Sheet
- To provide damage protection for the cargo when tested and stay within the constraints of the Army budget for supplies.

- Materials not accepted – cardboard, wood, sponges, bubble wrap, water, sawdust, Styrofoam, popcorn packaging, parachutes or very large amounts of something (like a cupful). (***no more than 4 pieces/parts of any item***) All materials need to be preapproved.


The Dakota Elementary School earned the State of Illinois Academic Excellence Award! 454 schools earned the Academic Excellence Award for 2012. To earn the award the school must meet the following criteria: Make Adequate Yearly Progress 2011 and 2012; 90% of students must have met or exceeded state standards in both reading and math for three years in a row. Congratulations to all of the students, parents, administration, faculty and staff!


The Junior High Student Council raised over three hundred dollars for a young boy whose family has a lot of medical expenses. They sold suckers to help raise the money. Dakota students are more than just about academics and athletics, they are about character! INDIAN PRIDE at its finest.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Community Financial Planning Meeting

Financial Planning Meeting
Dakota School District Superintendent Mike Schiffman will be holding a Financial Planning meeting on January 16th at 7:00pm, in the Elementary Gymnasium.  Mr. Schiffman will be discussing the financial issues facing the Dakota School District.  He will discuss the financial process of the District, facts and data, financial trends and projections.  Please feel free to attend this community financial meeting on January 16th.