Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Dec. posting

Dear Parents and Guardians and Community Members,

 I wanted to share some additional thoughts on the Common Core standards.  The implementation of Common Core is in full swing in Dakota.  As we work toward implementation there have been many thoughtful conversations between engaged administrators and teachers plotting the course for how best to reflect the new standards in the classroom.  Common Core implementation in Illinois hasn't been without resistance in some corners, but thoughtful communication and presentations about these new expectations goes far to increase understanding. As a district we continue to place information on our website, in our newsletters, on the district facebook page and blog.  These sites can be found at
A recent survey by Scholastic shows that the awareness and support for Common Core among Illinois educators is very strong. The third edition of Primary Sources surveyed more than 20,000 teachers nationwide this summer and the full report is not yet complete, but a preview with some state specific  information is available now at

These preliminary results show strong support for and confidence in the Common Core among educators, but also concerns about implementation. Some of the findings include:

·         76 percent of surveyed teachers are enthusiastic about implementing the Common Core.

·         79 percent of surveyed teachers believe the new standards will have a positive impact on student reasoning and critical thinking skills.

·         76 percent believe implementation will be a challenge.

The survey showed teachers are concerned about the availability of high quality instructional materials and also how to best assist students currently working below grade level as well as students with disabilities. 

Please continue to view our website for additional information on the Common Core Standards.  Or you can view more information at the sites listed below:


  Illinois State Board of Education:

Common Core IL, a project of the Core Coalition:

Common Core State Standards Initiative:

Monday, November 18, 2013

On Wednesday night Mr. Schiffman will hold an Educational discussion at the Elementary Media Center from 6:00-7:00pm.  His topic for discussion is titled “The increasing Burden on America’s Public School and what is a solution.”  This discussion will be based on the book Schools Can Not Do It Alone by Jamie Vollmer.  On Thursday, the Elementary school will have their Duck Dynasty family reading night event.  You should have registered for this event through the elementary school.  The event will start at 5:45 and go to 7:00pm.  Thank you and we hope that you can join us. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

CONGRATULATIONS to the Dakota High School Pep Band!!! They have been chosen to be the "official pep band" for Friday, November 15th at the IHSA State Volleyball Tournament at Red Bird Arena in Normal, IL!! Congratulations to the Band!!